These Are A Few Of My Favourite Things: April 2014 (Grateful Day 104)


It’s officially May, which means I get to share with you a few of my favourites from the past month! Woo hoo!!!! Even though it’s been a pretty busy month for me school wise, there are definitely a lot of things about this month that stand out as favourites of mine!

Processed with VSCOcam with g3 presetThinking about the past month and the hectic-ness of it all, I realize one of my absolute favourite things about this month were the moments I actually spent with God! I was telling a friend tonight that some times I get so wrapped up in the moment and so wrapped up in what I have to get done that I don’t spend time with My Jesus! Then I remembered the moments I did and how peaceful and right it all felt! How in those few moments, no time was wasted. It was like hanging out with a dear friend, catching up and chit-chatting away. Moments when I was at peace and felt great joy. I also realized when I did get these moments with Jesus, time seemed to expand, even for just a little bit and I got so much more work done!! But more than anything, God showed me a lot of favour in every area of my life, and for that I am forever grateful!!

Processed with VSCOcam with m3 presetAnother one of my favourites of the month is Gilmore Girls!! I am re-watching it which you can read all about here, and I have so enjoyed reliving moments of the gals Gilmore. I laugh like I haven’t seen the show before, and I get a smidge annoyed because I know what’s going to happen later on in the series. I’ve also been re-watching parts with one of my roommates which has been really fun, especially since we don’t see each other nearly as often as we used to because we’ve both been so busy! I also just appreciate that television shows used to not be so dramatic (Gilmore Girls can be dramatic, but mostly because I can be a dramatic person at times and yell at the television like they can hear me and my yelling will change something in the show, which by the way it won’t). I appreciate the way characters develop from Jess Mariano to Miss Rory Gilmore. I also really appreciate that by watching the show (and any other show/movie/book I read) I learn so much about the way I view things in life, which has then helped me in the ethics class I am taking this semester.

photoI have also been listening to a lot of new music this past month! I’ve been listening to a lot of Sam Smith recently, but the album that has really caught hold of my heart is You Make Me Brave by Bethel Music. This album has spoken to so many parts of my heart and so many parts of my life! It is so full of love and so full of bravery!! This is one of those albums, where you just know and feel God in every song!! The heart behind the album is stunning and the heart behind every note is beautiful! I am a big fan of music and I am a huge fan of the kind that speaks directly to the heart places and this does that! I am a believer that music of any sort can speak to the heart places, so when I find a song or album that speaks to the heart places I just have to share. I read The Fault In Our Stars recently and John Green says, or rather Hazel Grace says “Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book”. This quote basically sums up how I feel about certain books and albums, this album being one of them!

20140426-224130.jpgProcessed with VSCOcam with t1 presetThis month, like every other month, I also enjoyed especially the time with my friends and family! So many of my friends are going to be going on amazing new adventures soon, and so much of my family is moving away so the time I have gotten to spend with them this past month has been amazing! Whether we were sitting around talking or eating, every moment with my friends or family has been wonderful! I don’t get to see them as often as I would hope, but seeing them is all that matters because every moment is special when surrounded by loved ones!

Processed with VSCOcam with t1 presetI also grew to appreciate my love for books this month. Even though I finished this book after April, I started it in April so I get to count it in my April favourites :). I always enjoy Sarah Dessen books, and this one is no different but I think the reason I like this book as much as I do is because it’s basically about a young woman who is trying to find herself. We’re all trying to figure out who we are, or at least I know that at 21 years of age I am still learning who I am as a human being so I really related to this book. As I get older I realize more that life is about finding who you are as a person. Not every one knows what they believe and why when they are young, but the older we get the more we understand our beliefs and the better our footing gets. I feel like I’m going to be in a constant state of self-discovery and I am perfectly fine with that because if I didn’t change and I didn’t grow I would be a flat person; I would be stagnant. But the idea that I mature and I grow in to the woman I am meant to be means I am like my favourite characters in my favourite books; I grow and I change just as I am meant to.

April was good to me. It was nice and it was as pleasant as can be, and though at times I wish I did some things in life differently I know my life is good. I am blessed and I am well loved! I hope April was good to you too and I hope May is wonderful! I would love to hear what a few of your favourite things about April were! Share with me what your favourite books of the month are or what television show you are glad you watched! I really would love to hear all about it! 🙂

Grateful Day 94

photoI have been listening to the new Bethel album for the past couple of days and I love it! Each song speaks to different parts of my heart! The song that really does it for me is A Little Longer! Again, Jenn Johnson if you every stumble upon this I would like you to know that this song does it for me and puts things in to perspective!

The whole song is a cry, a pea asking Jesus what He would like. What He is asking of us. What would be enough to say Thank You for all He has done! Then realizing nothing could be enough to thank the Saviour of my soul and the world! Then the song changes mood and Jesus says “You don’t have to do a thing, just simply be with me and let those things go ’cause they can wait another minute. Wait, this moment is too sweet would you please stay here with Me and love on Me a little longer”. I mean bazinga!! The song is very Mary and Martha when Jesus visits their home and Mary is busy doing all these things while Martha is sitting at Jesus feet, because JESUS IS IN THEIR HOME, and listens to what Jesus has to say. Then when Mary urges Jesus to tell Martha to help do things Jesus says Martha’s choice to sit with Him is a good choice.

I am very Mary-esque. I am always doing something or I am going to do something or I am too tired or any number of reasons and I don’t give Jesus the time He wants. I forget that Jesus wants to be pursued and that He had to have His alone time with His Father so he could know the Fathers heart! Jesus just wants us to know His heart, to sit with Him and hang out for a bit. That’s all. Not too much to ask, but some times, in the midst of life it seems like a lot to ask. I’m not gonna lie, there are times when I let things take priority over my time with Jesus. I want to change that. In my life I want to become more like Martha. I want to sit at the feet of the One I love and get to know Him! I want to feel His love in quiet moments. After all, life is going to be there after my Jesus time, it just needs to wait a little longer.

Grateful Day 87

Processed with VSCOcam with p5 presetToday was a sleepy and sneezy day! My allergies are acting up a bit, and it doesn’t help that I get very little sleep at night. Since it was a sleepy day I decided to treat myself to a nice Soy Chi Tea Latte from Starbucks. Mmmmm. I also have been listening/loving this song I  listened to while doing work at school today.

It’s a gem! A true pearl! There aren’t really enough words to describe the beauty and wonder of this song. I would say that listening to this song reminds me of things I speak over my life and the way God constantly stirs in me passions for life and different parts of my life. I some times ignore the way God is tugging my heart, or I hid from them. I hide from what I feel him calling me to or what he is asking me to do. Or plainly what he’s asking of me, because some times it’s scary and even though I love the Lord and I desire to serve Him, I’m human and my humanness stops me. Then it gets to the point where I can’t fight what God is asking of me, what he’s asking me to do and set aside for him and I ask for grace and strength to step up. I ask for courage to go forth and do what he is asking. I trust him the same way a little kid trusts their parents when they are learning to walk. When a kid learns how to walk they trust their mom or dad is going to be there to pick them up when they fall. When God asks me to do something and he fills me with all the courage and strength I need to go, I am like a little kid learning how to walk for the first time trusting that their mom or dad is going to be there to pick them up when they fall. I have learned to trust God through so many situations and in so many areas of my life and I know when I fall my Father is going to be there to pick me up the way he has before.

“Who is He that makes me happy Who is He that gives me peace Who is He that brings me comfort And turns the bitter into sweet Who is stirring up my passion Who is rising up in me Who is filling up my hunger, with everything I need”. Sometimes I wonder who is this God I have chosen to serve. Who is this God who has given me peace and comfort so many times throughout my life. Who has always picked me up when I have fallen. Who dusts me off, gives me a nice squeeze then sends me off. This God who chose to love me. I may never know the extent of who God is, but I hope that in this life my hunger and desire to know him grows and that I will know him as the most important Being in my life.

Grateful Days 85 & 86

These past three days have been exhausting! Truly exhausting! I have been working on a 15 page paper due in a week so I can move on to a 5 page paper, also do in a week, then write an 800 word op-ed piece, again also due in a week! So between the few hours of sleep I get and the copious amounts of caffeine I drink to stay awake and functioning, I crash hard when I crash! Two nights ago I went to bed at 2:30 in the a.m so last night when I get home from hanging out with some people around 10:30 my body and mind were so ready for lots of rest, which I got thank goodness!!

During these times I pray for lots and lots of strength and I listen to lots and lots of music! I am a big advocate of music and I’ll listen to just about anything. But when school is super intense or life gets to be too much to handle I like to put myself in a constant state of prayers. I try to always be in a constant state of prayer, but when things get to be a bit much for me and I truly need guidance and peace on a minute to minute basis, my need for constant companionship with God increases and I make more of an effort to be in a state of surrender and openness to him. These past few weeks of trying to write my paper and then grading papers (I have a job as a grader for an old professor) and also doing the rest of my school work has been stressful!! So, to put my mind at ease I listen to music and drink coffee (or some other caffeinated beverage). Yesterday my choice in music ranged from Ed Sheeran to Twenty One Pilots (who I recently discovered because of a friend of mine) and today I’m listening to a lot of Bethel. One of the songs I’ve been listening to a lot by Bethel is this gem of a song called You Make Me Brave.

When I listen to it I think of how brave the Lord makes me. I’m not the bravest person, so when I do something that involves courage I know it was the Lord giving me courage; making me brave. My favourite part of this song goes like this “As Your love, in wave after wave Crashes over me, crashes over me For You are for us, You are not against us Champion of Heaven, You made a way for all to enter in”. I just love the fact that Jesus is my Champion! He fought for me and He made a way for every one to enter heaven and his peace has washed over me wave after wave through these stressful weeks of paper writing! Jesus is for me and He is my Champion, my Peace and my Joy in the happiest of times and in the most stressful of times!