Grateful Day 94

photoI have been listening to the new Bethel album for the past couple of days and I love it! Each song speaks to different parts of my heart! The song that really does it for me is A Little Longer! Again, Jenn Johnson if you every stumble upon this I would like you to know that this song does it for me and puts things in to perspective!

The whole song is a cry, a pea asking Jesus what He would like. What He is asking of us. What would be enough to say Thank You for all He has done! Then realizingĀ nothing could be enough to thank the Saviour of my soul and the world! Then the song changes mood and Jesus says “You don’t have to do a thing, just simply be with me and let those things go ’cause they can wait another minute. Wait, this moment is too sweet would you please stay here with Me and love on Me a little longer”. I mean bazinga!! The song is very Mary and Martha when Jesus visits their home and Mary is busy doing all theseĀ things while Martha is sitting at Jesus feet, because JESUS IS IN THEIR HOME, and listens to what Jesus has to say. Then when Mary urges Jesus to tell Martha to help do things Jesus says Martha’s choice to sit with Him is a good choice.

I am very Mary-esque. I am always doing something or I am going to do something or I am too tired or any number of reasons and I don’t give Jesus the time He wants. I forget that Jesus wants to be pursued and that He had to have His alone time with His Father so he could know the Fathers heart! Jesus just wants us to know His heart, to sit with Him and hang out for a bit. That’s all. Not too much to ask, but some times, in the midst of life it seems like a lot to ask. I’m not gonna lie, there are times when I let thingsĀ take priority over my time with Jesus. I want to change that. In my life I want to become more like Martha. I want to sit at the feet of the One I love and get to know Him! I want to feel His love in quiet moments. After all, life is going to be there after my Jesus time, it just needs to wait a little longer.