Grateful Day 102

Processed with VSCOcam with m3 presetI am currently in the process of re-watching Gilmore Girls, and I just fall in love with Stars Hollow more every time I watch an episode! I always seem to forget how much I love Stars Hollow and all of its inhabitants! Oh how I would love to sit in Luke’s Diner and study for exams. To drink coffee by the cup and eat pie on a table of that place! How I would love to have known Mrs. Kim, the wonderfully crazy woman who chases Rory Gilmore with a hose out of fear that she carried termites with her. To know Kirk, who is crazy enough to work at every business in town!! Oh to live in a town small enough where walking is a very real and perfectly acceptable alternative to driving (because boy do I find driving a hassle!). To live in a town small enough where town meetings are a real thing and full of surprises. To live in a place small enough that events are annual and bring people closer together! I love the idea of Stars Hollow. I love the idea of a local grocery store and a local diner. I love the idea of living in a town where you know your next door neighbour, and have known them for most of your life. I love the idea of having local business owners be people you interact with on a daily basis, and you have known them for ages and ages!

Tucson is full of local businesses. Full of local coffee shops and local restaurants. There are local bookstores and a local farmer’s market. I love that Tucson is a college town!! I love that I can plan on meeting a couple of friends for coffee at my favourite local coffee shop and run in to a few more! I love the fact that there are eateries unique to Tucson! I love that I can go almost any where around town and see at least one person I know!

There are moments when I wish Stars Hollow was a real place and I lived there with Luke, Jess, Lane, Sookie, Mrs. Kim and the Gilmores. Then I remember I live in Tucson with my own Gilmore gals and my very own Lane’s and Sookie’s. I know some real life Luke’s and Jess’, I just need to find my real life Mrs. Kim. I mean, as much as I wish I lived somewhere else, I know Tucson will always be home. Tucson will always be the place where I made my own Stars Hollow memories. I will have memories of late night study sessions at coffee shops and memories with my own Lane and Sookie. So even if I never get the full Stars Hollow experience, at least I have Tucson; the people and the memories.

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