Once (Grateful Days 105 & 106)

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetThese past two days have been filled with Once, which I do not mind at all!! I only saw the movie once (haha I made a funny!!) but I’ve listened to the Broadway music for ages!! So of course when I learned that the musical was going to be in Tempe I asked for tickets for Christmas and my parents so lovingly got them for me so today my best friend and I made our way to Tempe and watched the Broadway show today. I have to say it was one of the most magical performances I have seen in so long!!! I loved every minute! I appreciate so much that the cast plays their own instruments and that the show is about music!! I am a big fan of musicals and I enjoy listening to new musicals and seeing live productions so watching Once filled me with joy! I love the story and I love that the music is such a main part of the story! It isn’t just an additive, but it fuels the story!! If you’re a fan of music and musicals I suggest you listen to this and I suggest you listen to the Broadway soundtrack because it is magical!!!

I also love that I got to experience this wonderful show with such a dear friend! It was so fun to drive and talk about life and the future then to watch such a beautiful show with her!! Especially since soon enough she’ll be graduating and going on her own super exciting adventure, so I greatly appreciate the moments we spend together!