Guiding Light (Grateful Day 108)

Guiding Light (Grateful Day 108)“But the night is still, and I have not yet lost my will Oh and I will keep on moving ’till, ’till I find my way home. When I need to get home, you’re my guiding light, you’re my guiding light” Foy Vance Guiding Light

I heard this song for the first time today and I find myself seriously drawn to it!! The whole song is poetic and all about a person going home with their friend as their guide. I don’t know why Foy Vance penned this tune and I’m sure I could type in a few words in to Google and find out why, but I don’t want to because I want to believe this song is God-breathed. Maybe that is a bit naive of me to believe, but it’s what I’m choosing to believe!

When I hear this song and when I think of my friend who guides me home I think of Jesus! I think of ho He is the Way the Truth and the Life. He is the air I breathe and the song I sing. He is my laughter and my joy! I’m not sure if Foy Vance had Jesus on his mind when he put pen to paper, but  know God had me in mind when he wrote this song. I realize that may be a bold proclamation, but I believe in a God who knows me better than I know myself and I believe in a Saviour who knows what I need and when.

Kristene DiMarco a singer with Jesus Culture said on Twitter today “one of the greatest things about friendship with Gd is that he speaks your language, what uniquely is you because he wonderfully made you”! That made my heart leap and made me do the ‘that’s so good’ sigh because of the truth it speaks! As I’ve said so many times before, I listen to so much music! I listen to music whenever I possibly can and I listen to all sorts of music, and God has spoken to me through all sorts of music!! I think he made me a lyric person for the sole reason of him being able to speak to me through songs I fall in love with! I believe when Foy Vance put pen to paper and strummed the first few chords of this song, God had me in mind. God knew that on this day I would need this song! He knew I would need to remember my Friend! He knew because he knows me so intimately!

This song and Kristene’s words are what I needed today. I needed to be reminded of my dear Friend who knows me better than any one ever can and ever will!! God knew that today I would need to be reminded of my Friend in the midst of finals and thinking about what’s to come. Today I needed to remember the Friend who is closer than a brother (or in my case since I have no brothers, sisters) and who knows what’s to come and is telling me to chill out for a little bit and enjoy this moment because it only happens ONCE.