Grateful Day 88

photo“Who is He that makes me happy Who is He that gives me peace Who is He that brings me comfort And turns the bitter into sweet Who is stirring up my passion Who is rising up in me Who is filling up my hunger, with everything I need”. Like I said, I have really been feeling this song and this part of the song is still speaking to me on so many levels!!! Today the bit that is really speaking to me is the part about passion! 

Like I said yesterday, most times when God gives me a passion for something I get scared and I try to run away from what he wants for me. I don’t want it to be like that any more! I have decided I want to follow God in to any adventures and in to any situations he has given me a passion for. Even if I am terrified!!! Especially  when I am terrified! I am going to learn to trust that he has my back and he isn’t going to leave me hanging when things don’t work out the way I think they should! I am going to lay aside my pride and go for it!! Especially since pride is what holds me back from so many things! I admit that my pride, my fear of looking like a goof and my fear of what people will say about me holds me back from doing so many things. But God has given me a passion for so many things in this life and I want to live my life as fully and as dedicated to him and his desires for me. Even if nothing works out the way I think it should, at least I can say I followed where God was leading me. I can say God gave me the courage and the strength to do something I was terrified of.  I will be able to say I followed where God led me and that’s all that matters. If on the other hand it works out better than I could have imagined, I’ll know it was only because God gave me a passion! I’ll know it’s because God gave me the strength and the courage to go for it, because if it was up to me I would never leave my house or talk to people. Honestly. I love my life and I love the God I choose to serve on the daily, and I want more of what he wants for me. I want more of the things he wants for me. I want to grow in to more of the woman he is calling me to be. I know it won’t be easy, it’s never been easy, but it has always been worth it. It has always been worth it to follow Christ.

So I declare, right here and right now, no matter how scared I am to follow where God is leading me. No matter how scared I am of what people will say or what will happen. I am going to follow the passions God has placed on my heart.

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